Everyone has our own individual dreams and desire for the start of a new year. This telemovie revolves around 10 individuals, whose lives are at such a crossroad. Passion, redemption, love and commitment are questioned and challenged. Will the 10 individuals be able to overcome all odds leading up to 31st December and realize their perfect new year?
You can watch ‘31 Disember’ on meWatch
‘31 Disember’ is a new year story on resolutions and making right what one did wrong. It featured Singapore’s top Malay talents in one telemovie, a showcase of A-listers if you must. But for me, what really stood out are 2 young gentlemen: Fadhli Abdullah and Imam Shah.
Although they were surrounded by some of Singapore’s finest Malay talents, I think they both brought on their A game for their respective roles in ‘31 Disember’. Thank you brothers! I remember and appreciate your dedication and hard work for this project.