
Malik promises his wife, Hajar, to bring her to Makkah to perform their Hajj together. But whenever he managed to save enough through his provision shop business, he will face hurdles that require him to make sacrifices for his family, and in turn, putting off his Hajj plans again and again.

You can watch ‘Impian Haji Malik’ on meWatch

‘Duit boleh dicari, masa bukan milik kita...’

‘Impian Haji Malik’ is an emotional telemovie where my focus is totally on the messages, nothing else. How we as children let the distractions of the world affect our relationship with our parents. And this is one emotional scene that will forever be one of the most memorable I have ever written and directed. And I simply love that last aerial shot of Norman walking away... Thank you Rahim Musa.


I will never forget this scene, for just how Norman Ishak delivered one of his best and honest performance in this scene between him and Fir Rahman. I remembered shedding some tears while editing this scene.




31 Disember