A horror story involving Reza and his cursed life, orchestrated seemingly by a doll possessed by an evil spirit, Putri controlled by her brother, Putra. Although seemed normal, Reza has been living with supernatural occurrences that defined his life and has deadly effect on the people he loved. Until, he met Damia who possesses the characteristics of his dream girl. Their love blossomed but Damia has a dark past that will reveal a disturbing secret about Reza and his doll, a vengeance that started from his own family's lineage.
You can watch ‘Damia’ on meWatch
My first and most probably last horror offering. ‘Damia’ was special as it was a different kind of achievement. Not everyone knew that the budget for this first Toggle Malay pay-per-view content is at less than half of a telemovie. Yup, mad proud of everyone involved from the amazing cast, crew and production team, not only managing to produce ‘Damia’ at that budget but also to make it look like a big budget production in 4K resolution. I just can’t thank everyone enough! Here are my favourite scenes.